Would you believe that we first came across Pink Sucree by chance?
I can still remember it pretty clearly. We were at the first ever Laloolalang Bazaar and we passed by this table in the corner that had bottles stacked up and labelled ‘Rempeyek Baek’.
We decided to get a few bottles because I thought the name was pretty cool. Well, it turned out that it wasn’t just the name that was ‘baek’ LOL
The Rempeyek Baek by Pink Sucree is SO GOOD! It’s got a great flavour to it and the super crunch is so addictive I tell you. I guess I’ve had quite a few different types before and I can safely say that this one is really the best in my books so far.
The crunchy deep-fried batter is topped with ikan bilis (anchovies) and peanuts for that extra flavour and crunch.
Well, I though the original Rempeyek Baek was good. And then I found out they have another type…

So the original Rempeyek Baek gets an upgrade of sorts with the Chilli version.
This essentially means that all those of you who prefer a bit more of a spicy kick in your food (even your snacks!) can rejoice because that is what you get here.
It’s not gonna burn your mouth off or make you rush for the water but you can definitely taste the extra flavour thanks to the addition of chilli into the mix. After all, you still wanna enjoy the flavour of the batter and the ikan bilis / peanut toppings right?
Another thing I love about the Rempeyek Baek (be it the Original or the Chilli) is that they come in these bite-sized little pieces. That means that these tasty one-bite snacks make you wanna keep digging in for more LOL it’s like super easy to get addicted lah no joke.
This also mean less of a mess because one-bite size means lesser chance of crumbs falling all over the shop. Great snack for the kids too!
And you can see they are not stingy with their toppings eh. None of that ‘one ikan bilis two peanuts’ stuff here.

Pink Sucree has more to offer on top of their famous Rempeyek Baek of course! We had the pleasure of trying some of their special creations so we had some first-hand experience.
The Almond Boaties are these cookies with bits of almond that have been completely covered in milk chocolate and topped off with a sprinkling of chopped nuts for good measure. They obviously get their name from the way they are shaped like these little boats. Boats that are ready to row into your mouth LOL
Lovers of coffee-flavoured goodies will be delighted with the Mocha Kaw. It’s got a pretty good coffee flavour in the cookies. Nice and crunchy with almonds in the mix.
My personal favourite was the Choconut Balls which are Almond cookies shaped into a ball and covered with milk chocolate and completely coated with chopped almonds. Think of it as similar to the Boaties but with more nuts to go around!
We also saw that they have a 4th special item called the Tella-licious Tarts. You love tarts? You love Nutella? Then look no further! This is the one for you!
The Almond Boaties, Mocha Kaw and Choconut Balls are priced at $25 per bottle which is reasonable for a good quality product that your guests are bound to enjoy (if you don’t whack all of them yourselves first of course LOL). The Rempeyek Baek go for $12 a bottle which is a great deal so you’d better buy extra because definitely gonna be a big hit and fast moving!
You can check out the full range on Pink Sucree’s website as well. Visit by clicking HERE.
You can also follow their Facebook and Instagram pages for special offers and updates on their goodies!
Don’t wait til the last minute okay. Bound to sell out so order early to avoid disappointment!
Don’t say we didn’t say ah!
All information (including prices, availability of item on menu and Halal status of establishment) are accurate at the time of posting. All photos used in this site are property of The Halal Food Blog unless stated otherwise.