And that’s the video that made me chuckle, sit up and say “Wah. Semangat sia!”
LOL and we all know what a sucker I am for these kinds of super cool videos right?
But who or what is Makcik Chicken? What the cluck is going on here?? 😛
Simple answer – they sell Chicken Rice. Nasi Ayam. 鸡饭. சிக்கன் அரிசி.
And as we all know, a seemingly simple dish like Chicken Rice can still be complex on so many levels. So where then does Makcik Chicken rank on the rungs of the Chicken Rice Ladder of Life?
First of all, I have to give them props on their packaging.
It’s simple, it’s sturdy and it does a great job of holding in all the delicious food within. Hmmmm, would you consider this ‘Hipster’-style packaging?
But enough about the packaging. How’s about that chicken rice eh?

JENG JENG JENG!! (or should I say… BUCK-BUCK-BUCKAW!!)
That’s a more than decent serving of chicken rice I’d day. Generous amount of rice and chicken that’s sure to fill you up plus not one but TWO different types of chili to tickle your fancy. There’s also the mandatory sayur component of course but I think a lot of you have your eye on that egg right…
Well, let’s build up the suspense a bit. We’ll talk about that egg later.
(And don’t go and scroll straight down to the egg ahhhhh)
I actually quite liked the Makcik Chicken Chicken Rice. The rice was fragrant and flavourful and was not as dry/hard as I was worried it would be. So good you could probably whack all of it on its own. But why would you wanna do that where there are other goodies in the packet right?
The chicken was tender and tasty! Serving size was good, slightly more than a 1 pax serving of chicken and definitely a great combination when enjoyed with the rice.
The 2 chili sauces that came with were very interesting. I mean, normally you get only a red chili chicken rice sauce in most cases right? Well, at Makcik Chicken, you get a red AND a green one.
Brings to mind an old movie quote – “Red light. Green light. Hasta Lasagna.” (yes, it is I, Adam of obscure movie quotes and movie trivia) – which is pretty fitting because it was describing an explosion and these 2 chili sauces memang meletups!
The Red chili sauce is the chicken rice chili you’d expect – spicy and with a great chili flavour.
The Green chili sauce has a bit more of a tang to it (probably courtesy of a little vinegar). I’d originally thought it was a Cabe Ijo but I guess this has a special Makcik Chicken twist to it. Both these sauces definitely elevate this whole dish. There’s also a little Kicap Manis on the side too btw.
But with such an interesting take on chicken rice, would you consider this a ‘Hipster’-style Chicken Rice?
I believe the most appropriate thing to say about this egg is “Errrrrrmaghd!”
Yes, boiled eggs are always a welcome addition to a serving of chicken rice for sure but what a bonus it is when you have such a gorgeous egg like this one right?
As an added bonus, I also decided to get me a bottle of what they call ‘Makcik Magic’. It was really difficult for me not to because they looked so cool just chilling in a giant vat with that deep green hue.
Even more intriguing was the instruction to ‘SHAKE TO SPARKLE’ – which I did and the result was sparkly, shimmery, mesmerizing swirl of glitter within this bottle containing what Makcik Chicken herself lovingly refers to as her ‘Jambu Jampi Juice’.
Definitely tasty and surely a big hit with the kids. But to be honest, the $10 price tag kinda puts me off. My first thought was “Wah. It costs more than the chicken rice.” LOL
I think if I had doubts about anything ‘Hipster’-style going on here, this one kinda confirms it I think 😛
I got my Makcik Chicken fix when I visited the Ramadan Sultan Bazaar which is on from now til 22nd June 2017. Their stall is open fro 4pm til 9pm Daily so head down to grab a couple of boxes and bottle for Iftar or perhaps even drop by after to get some for supper and/or Sahur. (You can even pre-order by the way! Great for a fast pick-up.)
Otherwise, drop by Aliwal Street or drop Makcik Chicken an email if you’re looking to order some of her tasty Chicken Rice. Perfect for events too. CONFIRM STEEEMMM!!
77 Aliwal Street
Instagram: @makcikchicken
All information (including prices, availability of item on menu and Halal status of establishment) are accurate at the time of posting. All photos used in this site are property of The Halal Food Blog unless stated otherwise.
Tried the Makcik Chicken rice today but was a bit underwhelmed. The chilli has no kick. No complain abt the portion but it could do with a serving of soup. The egg is a nice touch but I would rather have soup than the egg. $8.50 is too hefty of a price tag. Would I buy it again at this price? Definitely not. I’ll just stick to the normal foodcourt chicken rice at half the price.