You’ve read all about it. You’ve seen the photos and the interviews. You’ve heard people raving about it. But in case you didn’t realize – LEAN BENTO is certified Halal! So what are you waiting for? If you haven’t tried it yet, NOW is the time!!
What’s that? You’d like a run down? LOL
Okay sure sure just for you, the LEAN BENTO Team was super duper kind enough to give The Halal Food Blog the inside scoop to try out their new and improved menu!!
And just in time for our #TheHalalFoodBlogGoesHealthy series too!!
So who or what exactly is LEAN BENTO anyways?

So the idea is very simple but it has made a world of difference – give people a “guilt free”, nutritious and healthy yet tasty and delicious range of foods which are not only good for us but not compromising on quality and flavour as well.
What started out as a favourite among fitness enthusiasts has now spread far and wide is a great choice for EVERYONE! A convenient and economical choice which allows us the opportunity to actually make a difference by actually eating right!
And how does Lean Bento fulfill their promise? Through innovation, hard work and team work!!
In the picture above, you can see Charles and Dionis (founders of Lean Bento) along with Haidiah, their Kitchen IC.
Haidah started out completely fresh in the industry and though hard work and support, she’s now heading the team in the kitchen that lovingly prepares the bentos that we all know and enjoy! It’s no wonder that the food is so good – it’s prepared with care and love!
What? Still don’t believe us?
Well, as usual, we will let the food do the talking! So come along as we run down each item on the LEAN BENTO menu! Yeah, you may have seen our ‘LIVE’ daily updates but there’s more information here to be learned about your fave LEAN BENTO sets!
So it works pretty simply.
Choose which bento you’d like to enjoy and for your choice, you can have it with either wholegrain rice, high-fibre pasta or a roasted Broccoli salad. You’ll see what we mean as we go along.
#1 – Garlicky Chili Chicken (Donburi Set)

Our first try of LEAN BENTO and we kena the power one! LOL
The protein here is chicken which has been marinated and seasoned with Asian-inspired spices.
And yeah we know what you’re thinking – and the answer is YES this has quite a spicy kick to it! But fret not it’s not the type of spicy that’s going to burn your mouth off! You’ll get the shoik spicy feeling but as it fades, you’ll be able to enjoy the flavours of the chicken and the seasoning too (without burning your mouth off LOL)
The Donburi Set obviously will have rice to go along but it’s not the type of rice you think you’ll be getting…
LEAN BENTO serves up healthy, low carb, wholegrain Japanese brown rice!
It had a bit of a glutinous texture when we tucked in and it’s also important for us to point out what a generous serving there is in the set! But having said that, this is not your usual rice so don’t worry about eating ‘too much’ rice and all that. Everything in moderation and it might as well be something healthy like this.

Yeah that’s the Before and After photos.
And then after the After, I totally finished off this magical thing they call an Onsen Egg! LOL
Besides the chicken and the rice, there are also plenty of vegetables in the bento set. you’ve got corn, tomatoes, roasted broccoli and a bed of shredded cabbage too for good measure. And then we come to the Onsen Egg.
A good source of protein for sure, having some egg in the bento really did complete everything. And all the better that it was an Onsen Egg. It’s runny but it’s not half-boiled. The whites are semi-solid but the yolk is prefect.
What kind of sorcery is this???
LOL okay lah so maybe we are jakuns but this was the first time trying Onsen Eggs and if this is anything to go by, then we’re definitely big fans! Here’s hoping that the other bento sets have Onsen Eggs too ๐
Wow. And that’s just the beginning!
Looking forward to seeing what’s next in store in our adventure with LEAN BENTO!
#2 – Sesame Teriyaki Salmon (Pasta Bento)
Here, we’ve got some Salmon that’s been seasoned and prepared with Teriyaki! But having said that, it’s not really that overwhelming sweet taste we normally get with Teriyaki. I guess that’s one of the things that is controlled to make this bento tasty but still nutritious!
This bento came with a serving of high fibre pasta. It’s been lightly seasoned with a tiny bit of black pepper so you get a simple but a very distinct flavour to it. I found it a bit try on the first few mouthfuls but it got a lot better as I went along.
Just eat together with the tasty and moist salmon and it’s a great match. Or if you have some olive oil handy, just drizzle a tiny bit over your pasta if you’d like. Still healthy! LOL
And of course, the very favourite Onsen Egg!!!
Only our 2nd bento and we’re getting more and more impressed! So far Lean Bento is really living up to the hype that we have heard about and super excited to try more!!
#3 – Creamy Tomato Chicken (Salad Bento)
I will be super honest and say right off the bat that I don’t really have a strong preference towards tomato-based stuff. It’s not that I don’t like it. I can eat it and I can enjoy it. But for example, if I had to choose between a tomato sauce-based pasta and a cream sauce-based pasta, I’d probably choose the cream.
So I was actually pretty worried about this bento because I was not sure if I’d like it?
Phew! Luckily this one was the ‘sedap’ type of tomato sauce LOL
This bento did not have any high fibre pasta nor any multi-grain rice but it did have a great Roasted Broccoli Salad. Yeah it’s the same Roasted Broccoli Salad that you can see in pretty much all the bentos in this post but since there are no other carbs component, an extra big serving of the Roasted Broccoli Salad is more than welcome!
I actually really quite enjoy the Roasted Broccoli Salad. It has a very simple yet flavourful seasoning and is a great accompaniment to any bento. You also get corn kernels and a cherry tomato too!
You didn’t think I was gonna forget the Onsen Egg did you! LOL
#4 – Laksa Pasta Salmon (Pasta Bento)
Yummy yum yum! I was soooooo looking forward to this bento!!
And here’s a tip – this bento is only available on Wednesdays and Thursdays so plan ahead!!
And after trying their Sesame Teriyaki Salmon, I was pretty excited to try their Salt Baked Salmon.
They really pulled it off with the salmon. They salt-bake the salmon is a really simple but very good technique for cooking fish (among other things) because it infuses flavours really well while still managing to retain the moisture of the fish.
They’ve got some other subtle hints of sesame and lemon in there but the salt and the natural flavour of the salmon really shines through. All salmon lovers will definitely rejoice with this one!
And also a little different from the other bentos we’ve enjoyed – a bed of carrot cubes!
We didn’t really highlight or snap a pic but with the other bentos, there is actually a bed of raw shredded cabbage beneath all the lovely proteins which make for a really good salad. But the carrots are very welcome too! LOL
I had originally thought that the ‘Laksa’ was referring to the Salmon but when I saw that the salmon had been salt-baked, I was literally scratching my head wondering “Where’s the Laksa?”. And then I realized that it was the high-fibre pasta that had been infused with Laksa spices!
Yep! The high-fibre pasta took a level-up and was infused with tasty Laksa spices to give it that distinct and unmistakable flavour. I found it a bit dry to be honest but have some olive oil handy and it will definitely do the trick.
And another surprise – no Onsen Egg this time but they did add some Egg Whites for added protein!
And don’t forget – this special Laksa Pasta Salmon Bento is only available on Wednesdays and Thursdays! Don’t say we didn’t say one ah! LOL
#5 – Arrabiata Chicken Patty (Salad Bento)
Oh how I have been waiting to try these Chicken Patties LOL
But seriously. I have been waiting to try these Chicken Patties *straight face*
These chicken breast patties are the absolute bomb. I mean, I like all the the proteins too but there’s just something about these patties. Totally worth the wait! And definitely something I can see myself preparing and eating at home too! But I reckon I’ll probably order mine from Lean Bento since theirs already so power LOL
The patties are oven-baked with and also topped-off with a tomato sauce. As we’ve mentioned before in previous posts, Arrabiatta translates to ‘Angry’ aka Spicy but fret not this sauce is flavourful but will not leave you gasping for water due to extreme heat so you can enjoy the flavour of your food.
Another great thing about the bentos from Lean Bento is that they’re so compact and handy that you can enjoy them anywhere – even your desk! But be sure to take a break too okay. After all, take the time to enjoy your food especially if it’s as good as this ๐
#6 – Protein Garden (Donburi Bento)
The Protein Garden Bento is not only one of the most interesting bentos available at Lean Bento but also the only one that boasts the title of being Vegan-friendly!
It’s got Shiitake Mushrooms, Edamame, Chickpeas and this one came along with some tasty Roasted Broccoli Salad and some Multigrain Rice Nigiri for good measure!
If you’ve been following The Halal Food Blog, you will know that I, Adam, am a very big meat lover. But contrary to popular belief, I do actually love my veggies too okay. And it just so happens that some of my favourite veggies can be found in this bento!
The Shiitake Mushrooms are absolutely delicious. Nice and plump and juicy and brimming with that great earth mushroom flavour. Edamame is an automatic win (I’m sure many of you will agree) and you cannot go wrong with chickpeas.
Paired with these cute and nutritious multi-grain rice Nigiri, this was a big surprise which I totally enjoyed.
Okay so I’m not about to give up eating meat and all that. But IF I were to become a vegetarian (total longshot), then I would definitely not mind having this all the time. And that’s saying a lot kiddies!
#7 – Lemon Sea Salt Salmon (Donburi Bento)
More Salmon goodness! And this time, the wonders of sous-vide cooking!
Don’t get us started on how much we love sous-vide cooking!!
This was the 3rd bento featuring Salmon and all 3 times, they were cooked differently!
Sous-vide cooking means the Salmon has flavours locked in and because the cooking environment (including temperature) is controlled, the fish does not dry out and remains moist and juicy.
Natural flavours of the salmon plus hints of citrus and sea salt are absolutely delightful.
#8 – Honey Mustard Chicken Breast Patty (Pasta Bento)
Here’s another bento featuring one of my fave proteins – the Chicken Breast Patties.
But this one also gave me a bit of surprise when I opened the package.
When I heard Honey Mustard, the first thing that came to mind was Honey Mustard Sauce and I imagined the chicken breast patties being slathered in honey mustard LOL but hey come on we’re talking about healthy nutritious food right?
The Honey Mustard flavour has been infused INTO the chicken breast patties and you can definitely taste it too. They’ve got got sesame and some mustard seeds on there as well plus some high-fibre pasta too.
But just because it didn’t arrive the way I expected doesn’t mean it wasn’t tasty! Lean Bento is proving that nutritious and healthy food can be delicious too.
PS I wanna point out that the chicken breast patties are not those thin little patties we might expect. These are hearty servings!
#9 – Mushroom Shoyu Chicken (Donburi Bento)
Here’s a bento with a good mix of chicken and mushrooms.
A nice oriental touch to this bento also with shoyu flavour which is not very strong flavour. In fact, I found the mushroom flavour more prominent.
Paired with multi-grain rice with a hearty meal!
#10 – Honey Baked Chicken (Donburi Bento)
This bento actually sold out and it’s really no surprise why!
Lean chicken that has been seasoned with some spices and and then baked until there’s a nice sweet, caramelized coat on the chicken that makes you go “Mmmmmmmm”.
Every bite made me want to keep eating more and more. No joke! Like I said, it’s little wonder why this bento actualy sold out!! Perfect for this festive season.
The Honey Baked Chicken is a special bento available only until the end of 2015 and it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you try it!
In fact, we hope that Lean Bento might consider making this a permanent item on their menu!
#11 – Superhero Chicken & Salmon (Donburi Bento)
It is fitting that the last bento we tried was the grandest! Specially for all those who have big appetites and/or really need to pile it on in a healthy way! If 1 is not enough, then why not have 2 right? Only superheroes need apply! And yes, that means YOU!
So you’ve got a serving of Honey Mustard Chicken Breast Patties PLUS a serving of Sea Salt Salmon that’s been sous-vide to perfection.
Think of this as kinda like a ‘Surf & Turf Bento’ but a healthy one LOL
After all, if you are looking to load up, this is the one for you and you get the best of both worlds plus a good serving of veggies too.
Well, there you have it folks.
11 days and 11 bentos. All delivered to my office where I took all the photos and enjoyed my bento shortly after. That’s right, you read correctly. All of the above was done at my work place. It took little effort to take the pictures because the bentos already looked so good when they arrived!
Lean Bento is always coming up with new and exciting ideas but the goal is simple – to provide “nutritious food without compromise to taste” and they have definitely delivered on that promise. Quality, nutritious, healthy and best of all – now certified Halal!
Check out their website for full details of their menu (which is bound to be updated from time to time) and also follow their Instagram account for updates and also special offers such as free delivery to certain areas! Just b sure to order in advance okay because they’ll need your order a day before so they can prepare it on time and deliver to you during lunchtime! This one not fast food leh okay LOL
And of course, besides island-wide delivery, you can always drop by their store at The Arcade and pick up a bento or two!
“Eat Better. Live Better.”
This is certainly the way to do it.
11 Collyer Quay #02-02 The Arcade
Instagram: @leanbentocom
Store Operating Hours:
Mondays to Fridays: 11.30am-2.00pm and 4.00pm-5.30pm
All information (including prices, availability of item on menu and Halal status of establishment) are accurate at the time of posting. All photos used in this site are property of The Halal Food Blog unless stated otherwise.