I think the craze started somewhere last year where people will order a whole mess of seafood, pour it all over the table and everyone will dig in. Sounds like a super plan if you ask me!
Well, I kept seeing it being posted online but seems like we’d have to travel across the Causeway if we wanted to get our table-load of seafood because there were simply no Halal ones here in Singapore…
Enter Cajun On Wheels!!! That’s right, we now can enjoy this very interesting concept right here in Singapore (no need to brave the jam at customs anymore okay!) with a little bit of a Southern touch and the best part is – it’s power!!
But we’re gonna tease you a little before we get to the buckets of food.
Yes. Buckets.

Surely you all know by now that we are suckers for #SaltedEggAnything right?
Yeah, we know that some are probably be going “Still got Salted Egg craze meh?” right? Well buddy, hells yeah it’s still a craze and why not especially when it tastes like the bomb!
The Salted Egg Yolk Fries is one of the best-sellers at Cajun On Wheels and it’s easy to see why. It’s a great side and it’s not just some fries with some sauce poured over. We’re talking about the whole gang here including the curry leaves and the chili padi too for that extra flavour kick and a great start to your meal.
And by the way, it’s a pretty generous serving too so best to share unless you’re really greedy LOL

This was a real surprise. To be honest, we were not really excited when we saw it on the menu but it turned out to be one of the best things we had at Cajun On Wheels that evening! I mean, how many times have you had something with ‘Fire Cracker’ in the name and it turned out to be “meh” right? Well, no such thing here.
Okay so it’s not like ‘super spicy get me a bucket of ice water’ but it does have a great flavour with a bit of a spicy kick to it thanks to the seasoning which coat these little morsels of squid.
These are pretty much like cut-up sotong balls but soooooo much better. Definitely a must-have!!
So before your food arrives, you’re gonna get a nice, big, white plastic sheet to put over your table and also a bib to put on. LOL yea it’s a plastic bib and it’s advisable to put it on because it’s gonna get messy. Seriously.
Ambik kau!!
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves… LOL
Let’s break it down bucket by bucket!!

So besides the major big buckets (which we will start on later…) they also have some (slightly) smaller options too. These are perfect if you are looking for more of a specific type of seafood and serving size is about 1-2 people but of course you can order more and share with more people too LOL
For example, we have here the Flexing Mussels which has mainly Mussels and Clams which is great for all your shellfish lovers but they also have options like the ‘Oh Crab’ which features ‘Live’ Sri Lankan Crab as the star and also the ‘Insane Shrimp’ for all you orang kuat makan udang! So there’s pretty much something for everyone.
This is a good time to explain a little bit about the choice of sauces here at Cajun On Wheels.
So when you order your seafood right, you’re gonna get to choose the sauce which the cook the seafood in. They have 6 different sauces to choose from, 4 of which are on the spicy side, so choose wisely because besides the fresh seafood this will be the main flavour you will be enjoying.
The non-spicy options include the Cajun Cheese and the Cheesy Cream while the other 4 ‘spicy’ options are Salted Egg Yolk, Sambal Belachan, Thai Red Curry and, last but not least, the Chili Egg which is the one we chose to have with our Flexing Mussels.
Besides the succulent Mussels and the Clams which were exceptionally fresh, there’s also some baby potatoes, corn and Chicken Spam (chicken luncheon meat!!!) thrown into the mix and these are included in pretty much all the main dishes on the menu.
The Chili Egg Sauce was tasty and is a natural pairing with the seafood (think of Chili Crab like duh!) but it did tend to be a bit dry once it coated all the stuff in the bucket. But fret not – you can always order extra sauce if you’re a big fan of sloppy eating LOL

This is probably a super popular dish too because Lobster is definitely a premium ingredient and here we are talking about getting a fresh whole lobster (about 600gms!) plus all the trimmings at a pretty attractive price!
Treat yourself lah once in awhile. Maybe birthday or what 😛
As expected, a good serving of fresh lobster which we decided to pair with the Sambal Belachan sauce.
Sambal is probably high on a lot of peoples’ list because you automatically know this is going to be the sauce with the strongest and most distinct flavour right? Well, you do get the hints of the belachan here but there’s also a bit of ikan bilis in the mix here so it becomes a cross between Sambal Belachan and Sambal Ikan Bilis which is actually very welcome.
Great sauce choice for any of the seafood buckets now that we think about it but if you’d like to enjoy the natural, fresh flavour of the lobster a bit more then you might consider choosing a sauce with a milder flavour profile and then you can get some Sambal Belachan Sauce on the side you want some spicy kick as a dipping sauce.
And then came the big one… JENG JENG JENG
So… what’s in the big bucket eh? LOL
Well, Cajun On Wheels has these bucket servings of seafood which are good for between 2-4 people and we are talking about the motherload of makan here.
I mean… it’s in a bucket… it’s gotta be a bomb of a serving right!

The Poseidon Bucket is the 2nd largest serving on the menu at Cajun On Wheels (2nd only to the Olympian Bucket) and comes with a whole load of goodies including Sri Lankan Crab, Prawns, White Clams, Mussels and of course the usual suspects like Sweet Corn, Potatoes and Chicken Spam.
We went with the all-time favourite Salted Egg Yolk Sauce and surprisingly it was actually pretty mild LOL I guess maybe we were expecting the usual strong flavour of salted egg yolk (maybe because we had some of the stronger stuff earlier that day) but this was a little bit different.
You can still enjoy the salted egg yolk flavour but the sauce is more on the creamy side so you still get to enjoy the natural flavour of the seafood without it being overpowered so in the end, it’s a win.
We also had some of the Thai Red Curry Sauce on the side and it was not bad. Not too spicy and VERY ‘lemak’ if you know what we mean.
It would actually be nice if they had something like a Garlic Herb Butter Sauce or something a long those lines which is a natural pairing with seafood and confirm plus chop sedap.
You know the seafood is super fresh when the shell comes off effortless and your seafood is still in one piece LOL and check out the size of the shrimp!
Something else we like is that they will only cook up your order once it is placed at Cajun on Wheels. That means no dish is prepared in advance and that means you get your order fresh and piping hot! Power and the best way to enjoy your seafood. Just imagine pouring out that fresh seafood piping hot onto the table before digging in. Fuyoh!
Anyways, in case you were wondering what’s the difference between the Olympian Bucket and the Poseidon Bucket, the former has Scottish Dungeness Crab!!
If you think the buckets are too daunting, they also have these Ocean Box sets which should be just nice for a single person serving. You get to choose a main like Shrimps, Fish (Sutchi) and/or Mussels and pair it up with a side or 2.
They also have quite a few sides on offer including Cajun Rice Pilaf in case you need some rice LOL
Cajun On Wheels is located within Pasarbella which is kinda like a…. well the best way to describe it is a high-end food court LOL and that’s what it looks like from inside the mall and outside the mall. (And yes, Lamborgini’s showroom is just beside Pasarbella)

I think this trend is here to stay because I’m sure you’ll all agree that food somehow tastes better when you have a nice big group of people tucking into food together (another good example – Nasi Ambeng!). There’s just something about digging in with your fingers and just enjoying your food with your family and friends and not worry about how you look because everyone else is doing the same thing as you LOL
Yeah, you could travel across the Causeway if you’d like but just remember that you can save yourself all that trouble and get the good stuff right here at Cajun On Wheels. My next gathering with friends and I’m definitely suggesting this place! LOL
3 Temasek Boulevard Suntec City Mall Level 1 North Wing
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CajunOnWheels
Instagram: @cajunonwheels_sg
Operating Hours:
11.00am til 10.00pm Daily
All information (including prices, availability of item on menu and Halal status of establishment) are accurate at the time of posting. All photos used in this site are property of The Halal Food Blog unless stated otherwise.