I’m pretty sure you’ve heard of Buttercup. Many of you probably even use it regularly in your cooking. In fact, some of you may even have enjoyed Buttercup without even realizing! Buttercup was firmly established itself as the #1 butterblend in Singapore over the years and it’s easy to see why it’s favoured in many households.
But some of you may be thinking – What’s a butterblend?
Is it the same as Butter? There’s ‘Butter’ in the name ‘Buttercup’ doesn’t that mean it’s butter? Tastes like butter leh!
LOL fret not dear readers! We have the answers for you!
So, Buttercup is not butter. It’s a butterblend.
How is a Butterblend different from actual butter? Well, a Butterblend is basically a mixture of milk fats and vegetable oil. That’s kinda like… half butter half margarine if you wanna put it in a simpler way?
Buttercup’s specially formulated Butterblend recipe means you get to enjoy the great flavour you do with butter but it’s priced more affordably, is trans fat free and is a choice ingredient in both cooking and baking. The Buttercup Mélange (aka Luxury Spread) is even spreadable so you can enjoy it as you would like butter or margarine (Buttercup also has margarine by the way) on your bread or toast and it’ll be as sedap as you’d expect.
Cakes, sauces, cooking meats and vegetables, baking and the list goes on.
Buttercup even comes in several different sizes – block, can or pail – so you have options no matter how big or small scale your cooking plans are.

If you recall, a few weeks ago we broadcast live via our Instagram page from the Taste of Buttercup 2017 event and we got to experience firsthand how versatile Buttercup was when being used in a wide array of dishes. We’re talking about both cooking and baking!
Expert chefs put Buttercup to the test and the results came out tip-top! There were simply so many uses to Buttercup as displayed in all the dishes we got to experience at the event. Adding Buttercup to the mix yielded delicious results!
In the end, we all left the event amazed and with a new wealth of knowledge about Buttercup and the various ways it can be applied to our cooking and baking. But as always, it’s good to test out this new-found knowledge right? We received some recipes of the dishes we tried at the Taste of Buttercup 2017 event and decided to try it for ourselves!
Roti John by Chef Joe
1 local baguette
200g of minced chicken (we used minced beef)
1 large white onion (chopped)
1 sliced red chilli
1 sliced green chilli
3 eggs
Buttercup Luxury Spread for brushing the pan and spreading onto the baguette
1. Brush pan with Buttercup Luxury Spread.
2. Fry the minced chicken, chopped onions & chillies in a skillet.
3. Place into the cavity of a baguette halved lengthwise with Buttercup.
4. Then briefly pan-fry the whole baguettes on the skillet by dipping into beaten egg and the spread mixture down.
5. Flip to crisp the other side.
6. Slice into several portions and serve
That’s the actual Buttercup recipe for the Roti John by Chef Joe (which I ate A LOT OF at the event!) which is something we wanted to try so I tried whipping it up one morning for Sahur and the results were good!
But I have to point out that we did make a few minor adjustments to the recipe like using minced beef instead of chicken and we also ran out of chilies (which is a bit of a waste)!! But it was still sedap and a great dish to serve!
FUYOH it was so sedap lah! Would have been better with the chilies!! 😛
But the flavour from the Buttercup really shines through here. We spread some on the bread before laying on the rest of the goodies and also a little in the pan for the fry. Butterblends also have a higher smoking point so you don’t have to rush like you do with butter before it starts going all smoky and burnt on you.
You still get that nice gloss and sheen like you would with butter you know what I mean. Looks good, smells good and tastes great! Totally passed this one!
What does Chef Joe think?

LOL okay so he didn’t really say that but the Roti John really did turn out quite power.
In fact, if I had more time, I would have tried pairing it with some of the special Dips by Chef Faizal to go along. There’s dips like Cheesy Tobasco Sauce, Cheesy Black Pepper Sauce and Hot & Spicy Sriracha Sauce which would have gone great with the Roti John!
And I’d also love to try other dishes like the Butter Oatmeal Prawns, the Potato & Paneer Croquette, maybe a bit of simple Pan-Fried Salmon with Buttercup used to baste the fish… and the list goes on and on and on!
So many possibilities with Buttercup and Ramadhan is a good time to masak-masak even if you don’t do so on a regular basis. You can even give Buttercup a try with some of your Kuih Raya this year and see if anyone can tell the difference! You may choose to stick to your preferred brands of butter/margarine but you really never know until you try! Give Buttercup a try at least once! You never know – it might turn out to be your favourite too!
Buttercup is available at all major supermarkets! Get yours today!
PS We have a whole host of recipes from Buttercup that are totally worth trying! If you’d like to get your hands on them, drop us an email or a message on social media and we’ll be happy to share the sedap-ness! LOL
This article was brought to you by Buttercup. All information (including prices, availability of item on menu and Halal status of establishment) are accurate at the time of posting. All photos used in this site are property of The Halal Food Blog unless stated otherwise.