So on our last trip to KL, my Darling Wife asks me if we have time to swing by a particular location. The reason – to buy some sambal. Yes, no typo there – TO BUY SOME SAMBAL.
Hmmmmm so what sambal is this exactly that has gotten everyone going a bit ‘gila’ eh?
Well, it’s the Sambal Gila by Betty’s Kitchen. The ‘Betty’ in question here is actually Betty Rahmad, the Malaysian actress, celebrity, BFF of Nora Danish and apparently now Sambal Queen too.
As you all know, I can be pretty skeptical when it comes to products that are endorsed or produced by celebrities but I have to be honest and say that my interest was piqued as we waited in the car at the Petronas station near Ampang. And after about 30 mins of waiting, it paid off!!
So people have been raving about this sambal. They use it when they’re cooking, they dish out on top of their fried fish and fried chicken and some simply use it as a condiment to go along with their rice or fried rice. With so many people from Malaysia and Singapore saying that this sambal is power, there’s gotta be some truth to it right?
Well, I didn’t really buy into all the hype. Until I finally tried the sambal for myself.
This is not a paid post nor are they sponsoring us for anything – we are honestly saying that there really is some truth to the hype that has been surrounding this sambal!
As soon as I dished a bit into my mouth, I could immediately detect the super spicy kick coming on. This one is definitely living up to the name of ‘GILA’ when it comes to the spiciness level. But the best thing is that it’s the ‘shiok’ type of spicy so you just keep going back for more and more.
The reason it looks so oily is because we heated it up in a pan over the fire for a bit (because you have to refrigerate the sambal which we will explain more about a little later on) but my Darling Wife enjoyed it simply with some white rice, fried fish and a fried egg. SO SATISFYING!
If you love sambal but are not such a big fan of the ever-present Sambal Belacan, then this is definitely something you might want to try.
So the ingredients list include chili padi, green chili, tomatoes, red onion, garlic and salt.
Seems simple enough but the flavour of the sambal is tops.
The label also shows that they have a few other variations like Sambal Ikan Bilis and Sambal Petai. We only tried the normal Sambal Gila and it’ll be interesting to see if they are as good as the original.
The only thing that I find is a bit of a downer is that you have to keep the sambal in the fridge to prolong the sambal and even in the fridge, I’ve heard it can last you probably about a month at most. But then again, I don’t reckon the sambal will be sitting in your fridge for too long because you’re probably gonna prepare all sorts of food to enjoy the sambal with.

And in the bonus round – we also bought some Red Velvet Cookies too! LOL
These are also pretty popular – bite-sized and crunchy Rd Velvet Cookies. I personally didn’t really fancy them as much as I expected because they kinda lacked the flavour I was expecting to be honest. Neither sweet nor chocolatey. But still handy as a snack especially if you don’t like your snacks too much on the sweet side.
Okay now here comes the good news and the bad news…
The good news is that you actually don’t have to travel all the way to KL to buy Betty’s Sambal Gila because they actually have an authorized agent selling it right here in Singapore! (Look for @bettyskitchen_sg on IG)
But the bad news is that they seem to sell out pretty fast! Limited stocks plus everyone snapping it up super fast so it’s pretty understandable I guess. That’s probably why my Darling Wife ended up buying it in KL and even bought like 10 extra jars for all her friends back here in SG!
Plus, if you’re a fan, going up to KL means there’s a good chance you might get to buy the Sambal Gila from Betty Rahmad herself!
Instagram: @bettys_kitchen
Instagram: @bettyskitchen_sg
All information (including prices, availability of item on menu and Halal status of establishment) are accurate at the time of posting. All photos used in this site are property of The Halal Food Blog unless stated otherwise.