As much as we’d like to enjoy a home-cooked meal as often as possible, it can been pretty busy times these days. Tthe prep that goes into that cooking can also be very tedious! That’s why the name Asyura reassures me π
Convenience is the order of the times and we’ve seen the advent of cooking pastes making quite a popular rise in recent times. But while there are many brands to choose from, it can still be quite a task to find one that suits your tastes while also being able to offer a wide selection.
Enter Asyura Paste! ππΌ
There are 12 different cooking pastes from Asyura in that photo but there have almost THIRTY different products for you to choose from! Not only is there something to suit everyone’s taste but you can even make that combination selection for that perfect family feast!
Besides just having a large number of products, I’m also very impressed that the selection of cooking pastes Asyura offers. They’ve got everything from traditional Malay dishes all the way to modern/fusion dishes too! This means a chance to not only savour familiar favourites but also dabble in a little bit of experimentation and exploring new flavours too π

FUYOH! Check out those dishes all cooked using Asyura Paste products! π
First up, we went with a classic – Lemak Cili Paste. Besides having a great and intense flavour, this is one that’s versatile because you have so many options for your proteins. Chicken also can. Udang also can. You want to try others like seafood and beef also can! And this dish paired perfectly with another classic – Sambal Tumis! You can also choose several different proteins (like prawns or fishballs also can!) but we went with some Quail Eggs because I love it so much LOL
Some slightly modern dish choices with the Black Pepper Beef and Salted Egg Prawns. You can mix and match if you’d like but the end result is a great tasting dish thanks to the base Asyura Paste products.
And I say “base” because while the Asyura Paste products are more than enough to cook the dish (they even give you instructions/recipe), don’t be afraid to tweak it to your preference. So if you want to make it more/less spicy or even a thicker consistency, you can adjust accordingly. Asyura Paste products give you that freedom when you’re cooking.
Besides the plethora of handy cooking pastes, Asyura just recently launched a Ready-to-Eat range of products too! You may have seen me post about the Saira Ready-To-Eat packs during Ramadan yes?

Saira Ready-To-Eat packs are literally just that – heat up the contents of the pack and it’s ready to be enjoyed. No prep or cooking required π I tried both the Curry Chicken and the Green Curry Chicken. Tasty and bold flavours for both plus plenty of chicken to be shared. I did a little experiment by adding a little bit of water (because I like more gravy) and it worked out perfectly. And.. I’m kinda leaning towards the Green Curry Chicken as my favourite between the two π
They’ve also recently added Kalio Chicken and Spicy Coconut Chicken RTE packs to the range! The Saira RTE packs are also very reasonably priced between $8.90-$9.50. Add a few more dishes and that’s a meal for the whole family.
As for the Asyura Paste products, other flavours we haven’t had a chance to feature yet include Asam Pedas, Ayam Masal Merah, Bonesteak, Ikan Bakar, Kari Ayam, Kari Ikan, Lontong/Lodeh, Mee Bandung, Mee Rebus, Opor Ayam, Rendang, Semur, Sambal Goreng, Soto and even a few special pastes released in collaboration with celebrity chefs including Chef Bob!
In the end, we’re talking about a product that delivers not only convenient but quality and satisfaction too π
When we try more of their pastes, we’re gonna update so keep an eye out for it ok!
You can find Asyura Paste products are leading supermarkets, hypermarts, convenience stores (including those that specialize in frozen products like Toko Warisan, En Frozen and Suzy Ameer etc) and also via their online storeΒ – ok!
List of retail locations:
This post was brought to you by Asyura Paste.
All information (including prices, availability of item on menu and Halal status of establishment) are accurate at the time of posting. All photos used in this site are property of respective brands and The Halal Food Blog unless stated otherwise.